Free canned goods and other non-perishables almost always available include soup, vegetables, fruit, peanut butter, beans, meals in a can, tuna, rice, cereal, pasta, and tomato sauce.
When available, there are meats, breads, toilet paper, personal care items, eggs, cheese, boxed milk, and other dairy products. And, on seasonal Produce Days the Pantry has a great selection of fruits and veggies – no appointment needed.
Each month, North Kingstown residents may receive one week’s worth of free food along with personal care products when available. To register your household, complete a Registration Form and bring it to the Pantry or email it to .
When you come to the Pantry for the first time, bring:
Food is distributed by appointment. Please call 401-885-3663 during the Pantry hours listed at the right. Please bring your own shopping bags.
You may also receive a pre-packed bag of ingredients for our Recipe of the Month, a nutritious meal that provides at least four servings of delicious, quick and easy meals.
If the North Kingstown Public Schools are closed due to bad weather, the Pantry will also be closed. Check local media for school closing information.
445 School Street
North Kingstown, RI 02852
Kristin Jahne
Pantry Manager
Monday through Friday
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Last Tuesday of the Month
10:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Last Saturday of the Month
10:00 AM to Noon
Shop at Amazon Smile and the Pantry will receive a portion of your purchase amount.
As a registered Pantry household, you may receive additional breakfast and lunch groceries for your school children during the December, February, and April vacation weeks as well as during the first week after school is closed in June and the week before school reopens in September. To register your children for the Pantry’s Vacation Nutrition Program (VNP), complete the VNP Registration Form and bring it to the Pantry or email it to
To receive food for your children on weekends during the school year, contact the North Kingstown School Department’s Blessings in a Backpack Program.
If you are aged 60 or older and registered at the Pantry, you are eligible to participate in the Pantry’s Senior Supplement Program. Each month, on the second Friday of the month, eligible seniors receive a bag of appealing and seasonal foods selected by the Pantry based on federal nutritional standards for thriving seniors. These foods are in addition to the monthly week’s worth of food that your household may receive.
If our Senior Program is full, there will be an active waiting list. Please call the Pantry at 401-885-3663 or stop by to be added to the waiting list.
Thanks to very generous donations from our neighbors, local businesses, and faith communities, every year the Pantry can provide each of our registered families with special holiday meals. To register for holiday programs, please stop by the Pantry in October. If you have questions, please email
The Pantry often has a large supply of fresh produce donated by local farmers and the RI Community Food Bank. When supply allows, the Pantry will notify you by e-mail of the opportunity to drop by without an appointment to select what you can use.
The North Kingstown Food Pantry is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation.