Happy St. Patrick's Day from the North Kingstown Food Pantry

March 2021 Newsletter

Happy March! There is still snow on the ground and the groundhog saw his shadow for 6 weeks of winter, but the Pantry still gives out food even in the cold and blustery weather. We are into our second month of giving out reheatable meals on Thursdays when we have our produce days. If you know of people who could use a respite and easy meal once a week, let them know about this program. The Pantry is also providing more protein for our clients. We do all this in order to fulfil our mission to feed and assist the hungry people of North Kingstown. We thank you for your support of the Pantry and our programs.
Kim Page 

"Eating Well Made Easy" Program

The North Kingstown Food Pantry is achieving community success once again with a North Kingstown School Department partnership.The Strategic Help Initiative awarded the North Food Pantry $10,000 for nutritious dinners to be offered at no cost to our Senior Citizens and Clients. The “Eating Well Made Easy” program is providing fresh, nutritious fully prepared refrigerated meals weekly for the Food Pantry to distribute to clients. The “Eating Well Made Easy” meals are offered on Thursday’s Fresh Produce Day and on the second Friday of the month for Senior Citizens Day. The program began February 4, 2021 and is serving over 250 clients weekly. The “Eating Well Made Easy” pilot program is a combined community effort to feed and assist the hungry people of North Kingstown. 
Thanks to Trish Cawley for spear heading this program.

The 7th, 8th, and 9th-grade girls’ travel basketball team held a shampoo drive this past weekend. They raised over 161 Ibs of shampoo that was all donated to the food pantry. Thank you for the hard work, girls!

Buddy Cavaleri performed outside of Java Madness last Sunday, February 13th. He donated monetary and food proceeds that he made from the performance to the North Kingstown Food Pantry. Thank you for using your talents as a way to help out the North Kingstown community, Buddy!

Every year, Forest Park Elementary holds a Soup’er Bowl food drive. This year, Mrs. Duva, a teacher at the school dropped off 390 pounds of food! Thank you Forest Park Elementary!

Sara Maggio is a seventh-grader at Cole middle school who decided to use the super bowl to help out her community. With the help of UPS, Print World, and the students of her middle school and elementary school, Sara was able to raise 545 dollars in donations and 221 pounds of non-perishable food. Thank you so much for your hard work, Sara!

Want to Help?

There are many ways to help the NK Food Pantry
  • Volunteer Time
  • Donate Food, Personal Care Items or Household Cleaners
  • Sponsor a Food Drive or Fundraiser
  • Donate in Honor or Memory of Someone Special
  • Make a Financial Gift
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North Kingstown Food Pantry

445 School Street
North Kingstown, RI 02852


Stephen E. Souls


10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Monday to Wednesday and Friday 

10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

4th Saturday of the Month
10:00 AM to Noon

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The North Kingstown Food Pantry is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation.