We envision a community where
no one goes hungry

Holiday Food Assistance

Current clients of the North Kingstown Food
Pantry may request holiday food assistance by signing up in person at the Pantry.
Please sign up before the deadline of Thursday, November 9, 2023.

We will not be taking online requests for holiday food assistance.
Please stop by the Pantry as soon as possible before the deadline of November 9th to sign up for the programs.

Pick up all you need to prepare your Thanksgiving meal, and more, at the Pantry, 445 School Street.

Tuesday, November 21st from 9 AM to 6 PM

Bring your photo ID.

Christmas food assistance pick up will be December 16th from 9 AM to 3 PM.

Eating Well Made Easy Here!

Pantry clients always enjoy great food and abundant produce.

Clients please check your e-mail each Tuesday evening to sign up for Produce Day each Thursday.
Live in North Kingstown, but are not a Pantry client?
Click here to Register.

Any questions–call the Pantry at 401-885-3663. 

Serving North Kingstown since 1981

Over 800 Households Served Per Month

1 in 12 NK Households are Low Income

The Pantry's Food Programs

We supplied food to over 22,000 individuals in 2024.

North Kingstown Food Pantry

445 School Street
North Kingstown, RI 02852


Kristin Jahne
Pantry Manager


Stephen Souls
Outreach Coordinator
& Operations Support



Monday through Friday
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Last Tuesday of the Month
10:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Last Saturday of the Month
10:00 AM to Noon

Support the Pantry


Shop at Amazon Smile and the Pantry will receive a portion of your purchase amount.

Find Us on Social Media


How You Can Help

Financial donations help stretch our budget because the Pantry can purchase food at deeply discounted prices from the RI Community Food Bank and local food industry partners.

The Pantry welcomes donations of food and personal care products purchased and collected by individuals, groups, or organizations.

The Pantry relies on the valuable help of the many volunteers who staff the Pantry and assist with our fundraisers.

The North Kingstown Food Pantry is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation.